Volunteer Experience

Student Council – Grades 9,10,11,12

I have been on Student Council since I started at WSS in Grade 9. I took on an executive role as Secretary in Grade 9. I have continued to serve and lead in these roles over the years. We lead initiatives to support the school, including new washroom hand dryers and repainting the hallways. I was also part of the team that initiated and facilitates our recycling program.

Math Team – Grades 9,10,11,12

I have participated in every math contest since I arrived here in Grade 9. In Grade 11, I was part of the SR. Math Team that traveled to University of Waterloo for a team math competition. I served the team by leading multiple fundraising efforts.

Leadership Club – Grades 10,11,12

In Grade 10, I focused my efforts on Me to We activities for the Leadership Club. This includes my school’s Terry Fox Run, food drives, and clothing drives. I led a food drive team to collect 100kg of food. I also help coordinate school events and volunteer with community events. Other service activities include spirit events, fundraising and global service.

Athletic Leadership – Grades 11,12

During Grade 11, I coached the Gr. 8 volleyball team. In Grade 12, I am once again coaching and reffing volleyball and have also expanded to more general Athletic Leadership activities. I have created a coaching binder so that future student coaches will have a valuable resource.

Canadian Athletes Now Fund – Grades 11,12

CAN Fund is a national charity that raises money for Canadian athletes. I have served them by doing data entry and application admin. We also organized a big fundraiser in Whistler in Grade 11 at which I met numerous Olympic hopefuls and medal-winners.